Time for a ramble through thoughts

It begins with the sale of all sorts of old stuff and the acquisition of an iTouch. Normally, I am not one to line the purse of the Apple corp. preferring instead to fill the coffers of the Gates of Hell. I have always maintained that the Mac is for people who don't know how to use a computer, style over substance, the fools option, etc. I know that the Mac can also be described as being similar to a PC but it works - this doesn't bother me. I am a PC. I know I will not change anyone's mind on their choice... I digress.

The iTouch is, despite its origins, an excellent gadget. I have spent many a long hour tweaking the apps and enjoying many a gig of musical randomness. I don't understand why there is no decent music player app - surely someone could do a third party music player, or they could put the iTunes functionality into the firmware. Or am I missing something? I know that most of the functions carry across but it is missing something. This is the next gen iPhone :)

A link from Mr Wriggles : http://vimeo.com/2229299

...I digress, once more.

A lot of apps are very useful such as syncing the twitter/myspace/mail accounts, maps, etc. Some of the apps are completely useless. My favorite of these has to be the "Complete works of H.P.Lovecraft", or the "virtual kalimba". This brings me closer to my point.

I have also been using the vast memory to store the audio book of "Anathem" by Neal Stephenson. It's great to hear/read this again. Very immersive and inspirational. To return to the setting has uncorked a number of thoughts.

1. Why don't books have trailers made for them? Just enough to give a flavour of the theme or mood - then I found this...

2. Why don't people produce a soundtrack for a book, wither by composition or compilation - then I found this...


So basically, I was thinking nothing new.

A lot of the themes within the book are quite high brow - philosophy, mathematics and time/space dimensions. By way of a short cut I would like to include a link to the "Imagining the Tenth Dimension" ( another book with a soundtrack ) by Rob Bryanton. There is no link 'twix this and Anathem but it may help to assume, for the next bit, that we exist in a 10th dimensional singularity. :)

3. You know the theories that there are other dimensions, with an infinite number of you in an infinite combination of possible existences. yet, there is only one where you are you as you perceive it now. Well, why not have every you in each dimension interact by links of causality. The stronger the causal link - the nearer the connection.

Every you that looks like you and acts like you, but makes different choices exists within you in the same point of time/space. Much like a quantum particle and it's uncertainty. You are making every choice you can possibly make - it only comes into reality when you focus on it and act. Then there are all the dimensions where you get further and further away from the you that you know. These are other people, the people all around you.

Thus ... "We are all one person split into infinite dimensions, interacting along strong lines of causal connection." - now does it make sense?

Ultimately it brings me back to old conversations that have sprung up around TIME, which are seemingly coincidental or synchronous. I started to go back to my theories on music and how they can be linked to astrology, the rotation of a planet producing a sound wave, etc. I really need to log these thoughts... next time.


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