Are we LIVE!!

If you understand the hidden reference of that title, you will understand how excited I am... I just booked tickets to see Penn & Teller when they come to London this year.

They are without a doubt amongst the very greatest magicians of all time and I am stoked with the idea of seeing them on stage, literally my childhood heroes . It's also an incredibly rare visit as they never travel, they have a show on at the Rio in Vegas all the time and stay there all year it seems. I was in Vegas last year on business, planning my one opportunity to see them live and the only day I had free was their day off - vexed!. Now I have another chance to see them that can't be missed.

I must say huge thanks to my lovely wife, Snippety, who has shown great patience and understanding of my magic nerd behaviour. xxx I couldn't have this chance without her support - staying home and looking after Tal, while I go goofing off like a big kid. Snips, I will buy you a lovely present!

Here are some clips of the duo in action... I can't wait. :oD

The elements of 'sleight of hand', still mesmerising despite the full explanation...

The infamous bullet catch, a legendary trick preformed in a new way...

From their TV appearance on the West Wing, I wish they could do this kind of performance for real...

A classic of magic, re-imagined and fully explained without the loss of any sense of wonder...


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