Zombie Madness

I have been watching Walking Dead and playing Left For Dead 2, both of which have given me some insight into the zombie apocalypse. This is not a new train of thought for me though and living a corporate consumer lifestyle often makes me think of how fragile it all is and how so many would be unprepared for the end of society.

I'm not suggesting that zombies are likely to take over the world. It is a metaphor, obviously. A view on how society would crumble so quickly in the face of major shifts of normality. However, I believe that thinking upon the zombie apocalypse and mentally preparing for it is a way of preparing for anything and reminding one's self of the key things that matter in life.

Who would you save?, where would you go?, how will you live?

If you Google the term 'zombie survival quiz' you get a lot of results. Clearly I am not the only one planning for this.

I got %68.8073394495413 on the

Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse Survival Quiz!

Now that 'Need for Speed Hot Pursuit' has turned up I may move on from my zombie-revelry but before I do, here are my top tips...

Zombie tip No.1: Zombies prefer the coast.
As most classic zombies will shuffle aimlessly about, it stands to reason they will shuffle in the easiest manner possible. If they come across some stairs they will shuffle down them but it is unlikely that they will climb the stairs. The same goes for a steep hill. This means that in a random shuffling about over time the dead will congregate in the low lands, drifting down toward the coast and valleys. Therefore, take the high ground. In the short term, I think that with the fresh smell of brains to spur them on they might get it together to climb a ladder or shamble uphill. Without any impetus from the living they would drift where the path is easier, so after a while they would all be down the beach and climbing up a mountain would ensure a quieter life.

Zombie tip No.2: Head shots are certain but not always required.
Though the only true zombie killer is a head shot or decapitation, sometimes you would just need to slow them down long enough to get by. If you are clearing an area in order to settle for a while, then best be sure. If you are foraging or just passing through, then all you need to do is stun them, disrupt the brain a little with a concussive hit.

Zombie tip No.3: Be ready for action.
When I see anyone in flip flops or poorly manufactured footwear I always think "What are you going to do in the Zombie Apocalypse?" - the answer is hobble ineffectively away only to be eaten moments later. Meanwhile those prepared for action will run full pelt across any terrain, occasionally kicking Z upside the head. Generally this translates as being prepared for any eventuality, so that may not need to dwell on what can go wrong.

Zombie tip No.4: Protection from bites and scratches.
Even if you can't get full ballistic protection, if you have a cover-all material that is impossible to bite through, then Z is not going to make much of an impact. In full preparation for going to a proper settlement from your over run urban dwelling place, you should have good clothing and, if needs be, armour. This could range from a set of riot security armour to simple bikers leather. I even heard suggestions of armour made from recycled milk carton plastic.

Zombie tip No.5: Don't fill the cupboards.
Some may think that a larder full of water and tins is going to keep them alive but this is a fatal error. You can't possibly have enough space to house all the food and water you will need for extended survival. Even the biggest mall or supermarket is not going to sustain you for long. You spend maybe a month feeling smug, maybe six if you ration and then the Z are back knocking on the door again asking to borrow a cup of braaains. The best chance of survival is a protected enclosure where you can sustain a farmstead. So, learn to milk animals, make cheese, bread, harvest crops, grow vegetables, keep livestock. Even the basic information will take you further than a living room full of soup.

Perhaps all of this advice is already in the bible of zombie survival.


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